Portions of the content in Hallmark Card Studio may be considered unsuitable for some users. The Kid Lock feature is used to block this content. The first time that you launch the program, you are prompted on whether to enable the Kid Lock feature and to set the password for it. To change the settings for this, please perform the following steps:

  1. Launch the Hallmark Card Studio software.
  2. Click the Tools menu.
  3. Select the Kid Lock option. If you are prompted for a password, please enter the password that was set up for the Kid Lock feature.

    Note:If you have lost or forgotten the password, please search for the article on how to reset the Kid Lock password for your version of Hallmark Card Studio.

  4. On the Kid Lock screen, you can enable or disable the Kid Lock option
  5. If enabled, the Kid Lock feature is turned on for this session.
  6. If disabled, the feature will be turned off for this session.
  7. You can also select whether it will automatically enable the Kid Lock on the program launch, or to prompt at the launch on whether to enable it or not.
  8. To enable it automatically on launch, you will select the On option.
  9. To have it turned off at launch, you will select the Off option.
  10. To have it prompt at launch, you will select the Ask me at startup option.
  11. You can also change the password with the Change Password button.
  12. Click OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to close the screen without saving the changes.