If you have only one disc, then you have the DVD version of the program. If you have the DVD version, you will need to have a DVD-ROM drive to install the program. Please verify that the drive you have inserted the disc in is a DVD-ROM drive.

If you have verified the DVD is in a DVD-ROM drive and the autorun does not initialize for installation, you will have to manually begin the setup. To do so:

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Right-click on the drive with the DVD, which shows the Hallmark Crown icon.
  3. Select the Open option from the pop-up menu.
  4. Double-click the Hallmark folder.
  5. Double-click the "Hallmark Card Studio" file.
  6. Follow the directions to install the software.

For some versions of Hallmark Card Studio, we offer an exchange program to trade your DVD for a set of CDs. If you need to exchange your DVD for a CD version, please contact our Customer Service department.